It’s behind us!

Though once an annual event it had been almost 30 years since a Pantomime had been performed in Bletchingley.. The challenge for the Bletchfest team to resurrect this tradition was quite a daunting one but one that was accepted. A script was found, a volunteer cast recruited, sets and costumes commissioned, staging, lighting and sound planned, sound effects and music adopted and a hectic schedule of rehearsals, peaking during the busy Christmas and New Year period, was underway. In just 3 months with physical injury, one prominent cast member obliged to perform with her arm in a sling, and the inevitable Covid absences the show must, and did, go on! And very well it went too as both performances for the production of Andrew Yate’s ‘After the beanstalk’ sold out pretty quickly with a full house for both matinee and evening performances. So how did it go? The best people to ask are the audience:

“We've just come back from seeing this and we absolutely loved it. We booked as a bit of a last minute thing after seeing it on Facebook, not really knowing much about it but it was fantastic. All the performers were brilliant and completely embodied the spirit of panto. Well done and here’s hoping we can do it again next year.” Paul Monk

“Wonderful to see the Bletchfest team in my home village where I grew up in Surrey all come together to produce this very fun Panto for its community! The hall was packed and we all laughed til we cried! You’ve given so much time, love and energy to make it happen. …. Looking forward to next year’s already!” Lucy Bishop

“Thank you for putting on the wonderful panto, everything about it was brilliant.  It was a thoroughly great evening’s entertainment and I laughed till my sides ached.  Well done to all involved in it – please can you do another one this year.” Chris Clarke

“Thank you to everyone involved in the Bletchfest Panto, what a lovable way to spend a Saturday afternoon, you were all amazing (oh yes you were)” Lindylou WozHills

“Me and my daughter were there this afternoon it was absolutely brilliant!! Well done to everyone involved” Thea Mason

Generous with their praise and with their cash too as a collection for Caterham Food Bank on the day raised £220!

Can we do it again? If so would you like to take part yourself? Front or backstage there’s always need for enthusiasm and commitment. Register your interest using the enquiry form here and we will get back to you as and when plans develop further.

Photo Gallery: Photos courtesy of Rob Tucker and Lucy Bishop


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Only s’posed to Blues the doors off!